A Wealth of Precedents Just One Click Away
Check out our pre-filtered searches that provide access to thousands of precedents filed on SEDAR and EDGAR. Whether you’re looking for transaction agreements, industry-specific precedents, corporate policies, specific risk factors, COVID-19 disclosure or more, we’ve got you covered!
SEDAR Sample Searches EDGAR Sample Searches
The Sale Must Go On
The pandemic will not stop commercial transactions. Whether you are looking at sales, manufacturing, distribution, agency or reseller agreements, visit our new topic on Supply of Goods and Services for practical guidance on negotiating, drafting and executing these agreements. Representing the buyer? No problem. Looking for a short form agreement? We got you covered. Explore our precedents covering various party perspectives and multiple forms.
Drafting an Asset or Share Purchase Agreement?
Check out the Asset Purchase Agreement Resource Kit and Share Purchase Agreement Resource Kit, which provide robust materials, including practice notes for critical information, checklists for step-by-step guidance, a collection of precedents to get you started, and key clauses to help you tailor the agreement to your exact needs.
Can you Ban Office Relationships?
Workplace romances can be quite tricky. While you cannot wholly ban office relationships, you should ensure that you have clear policies on workplace romances that are properly drafted, properly implemented, and properly enforced. Take a look at the Workplace Romance and Workplace Romance Policy for guidance on navigating office relationships and preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.
Embryos, Donors, and Surrogates, Oh My!
Canadians are increasingly using assisted human reproductive technology to help expand and build their families. When dealing with issues related to family and fertility law, check out our new content on Assisted Reproductive Technology prepared by our distinguished author, Shirley Eve Levitan.
Assisted Reproductive Technology
Ready to Enter into a Loan Transaction?
Expediate the closing process by reviewing our Closing Agenda Checklist (Loan Transaction). Check out our other lending checklists that will help guide you through your loan transaction in the Finance module today.
Closing Agenda Checklist (Loan Transaction)
The In-House Counsel and Strategic Management
The efficient operation of the in-house legal team is no longer an optional aspirational goal but rather an essential outcome in today’s dynamic economic environment. Highlight the value of your legal team by reducing costs and accomplishing more using fewer resources. Break the cycle of inefficiency and reap the rewards of a well-organized team. Visit the IHC module and learn more about the importance of Strategic Management for in-house lawyers.
From Checkout Line to e-Cart
With the profound impact of COVID-19 and city-wide lockdowns during the holiday shopping season, an increasing number of brick and mortar retail locations find themselves unable to keep their doors open with the rising popularity of online shopping. Check out our timely content on retail insolvencies in the Insolvency & Restructuring module today.
Retail Insolvencies: Impact of COVID-19 Retail Insolvency: Landlord Perspectives
Tips for Keeping a Secret!
Take a look at our Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements Resource Kit, which identifies resources helpful in choosing an appropriate confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement and covers many different practice areas.
Confidentiality Agreement and Non-Disclosure Agreements Resource Kit
Factors Considered in Damage Awards
A plaintiff’s damages award can be reduced or even increased depending on the circumstances of the case. Learn about the barriers and common issues that arise to properly advise your client and provide the best guidance to maximize recovery.
Considerations in Awarding Damages
Back to the Future … of COVID-19 in Estate Law
The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has settled in and there may be a lasting impact on estate law. Make sure you are up to date with legal trends and insights that have altered the practice including the filing of probate applications by email and other paperless frameworks in courts. Visit the Trends and Insights topic in the Wills, Trusts & Estates module to stay current.
A Lasting Impact?: A Look Back and a Look Ahead
Probate Applications and COVID-19
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