Lexis Advance Quicklaw Update
July 2018

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New Deep-link for International Sources

In response to customer feedback we have enabled deep-link capabilities for International Sources on Lexis Advance Quicklaw. This feature provides quick access to selected international sources via a list of unique URLs. Source URLS can be added to your organization’s library catalogues, or your schools course outlines making it easy for end users to quickly get to the International Sources they need. For a list Deep Link URLs for International Sources please contact the Lexis Nexis Canada Customer Service team at service@lexisnexis.ca.

Tribunals by Tribunal Name – Now Available Via Explore Content

We have continued to make enhancements to the Explore Content feature on Lexis Advance Quicklaw, by adding the ability to pre-filter to a specific tribunal. This enhancement compliments the work done in the last release which added the ability to search tribunals by tribunal name to our Cases Advanced Search Form, and allows the researcher to use the popular Explore Content pod to pre-filter to a specific tribunal and conduct a targeted tribunal search.

To use this feature:

  1. Select the Tribunals option from the Explore Content pod.
  2. Select the Jurisdiction for the Tribunal you are interested in (i.e. In the Example below Federal was selected).
  3. Select the Tribunal you would like to search (i.e. In this Example the Canada Competition Tribunal Decisions was selected).
Tribunals by Tribunal Name – Now Available Via Explore Content

LexisNexis Account Center

LexisNexis Account CenterWith this release we continued to make enhancements to the Lexis Advance Quicklaw LexisNexis Account Center Invoice Feature by adding the ability to make full or partial payments via credit or debit card. This new feature also allows users to select, edit, and/or delete auto payment details as needed.

Authorized LexisNexis Account Center users can access the LexisNexis Account Centre via the More option in the top right corner of the Lexis Advance Quicklaw Screen.

Once you have logged into the LexisNexis Account Center.

  1. Select the Invoice & Payment option form the left side of the screen.
  2. Use the checkboxes provided to select the items you would like to pay.
  3. Then follow the on-screen options to select the desired payment method and make your payment.
LexisNexis Account Center - Invoice & Payment

French eBillboard

We are excited to announce the launch of or new French eBillboard. The eBillboard is a feature that offers tips, tricks and vital information about Lexis Advance Quicklaw. It includes information on newly added features, sources and general information about new developments, tools and sources offered by LexisNexis® Canada.

EBillboard is designed to help users navigate the Lexis Advance Quicklaw platform, and keep users abreast of new enhancements as they become available.

French eBillboard

New Content and New Editions Available on Lexis Advance Quicklaw

The content on Lexis Advance Quicklaw is continually updated. In addition to our daily updates to core content, our authors and editorial team work throughout the year to bring you New Content, and New Editions of our industry leading titles. Below is a list of New Content and New Editions that have been added to Lexis Advance Quicklaw over the past six month period.

New Content Added in Lexis Advance Quicklaw
January 1st 2018 to June 30th 2018
Primary Law Sources
Nunavut Statutes and Regulations
Secondary Materials
Canadian Bar Review (Journal)
Updated online with a new edition:
Administrative Law in Canada, 6th ed. (Blake)
Annotated Ontario Building Code Act, 2018 Ed. (Mascarin, Levitt)
British Columbia Family Law Practice, 2018 Ed. (Huddart, Brown)
Canada Business Corporations Act & Commentary, 2018/2019 Ed. (Fasken)
Canadian Business Corporations Law, 3rd Ed (McGuiness)
Canadian Collective Bargaining Law: Principles and Practice, 3rd Ed. (Rayner, Rayner, Knight, MacDonald)
Canadian Contract Law, 4th Ed. (Swan, Adamski, Na)
Canadian Federal Courts Practice, 2018 Ed (Hughes, Renaud, and Horne)
Canadian Immigration and Refugee Law Practice, 2018 Ed. (Waldman)
Government Procurement, 4th Ed. (Emanuelli)
Impaired Driving in Canada, 5th Ed. (Kenkel)
Ontario Courtroom Procedure, 4th Ed (Fuerst, Sanderson)
Ontario Family Law Practice, 2018 Ed. (Steinberg, Perkins, Lenkinski and James)
Ontario Superior Court Practice, 2018 Ed. (Archibald, Killeen, Morton)
Palmer and Snyder: Collective Agreement Arbitration in Canada, 6th Ed. (Snyder)
Sentencing, 9th Ed. (Ruby, Chan, Hasan, Enenajor)
Sopinka, Lederman & Bryant: The Law of Evidence in Canada, 5th ed. (Bryant, Lederman, Fuerst)
The Law of Civil Procedure in Ontario, 3rd Ed. (Perell, Morden)
The Law of Libel in Canada, 4th Ed. (Downard)
The Law of Search and Seizure, 10th Ed. (Fontana and Keeshan)
The Practitioner's Criminal Code, 2018 Ed. (Gold)
The Practitioner's Criminal Precedents, 5th Ed. (Gold)
Title Searching and Conveyancing in Ontario, 7th Ed. (Moore)
Halsbury's Laws of Canada updates in the following volumes:
Administrative Law (Régimbald, Estabrooks)
Agriculture (Buckingham)
Alternative Dispute Resolution (Glaholt, Rotterdam)
Athletics (Brecher)
Aviation and Space (Trembley)
Bankruptcy and Insolvency (Goldstein)
Business Corporations (McGuinness, Hole)
Cemeteries and Interment (Nemet-Brown)
Charities, Associations and Not-for-Profit Organizations (Bourgeois)
Civil Procedure (Abrams, McGuinness, Brecher)
Construction Law (Glaholt, Rotterdam)
Contracts (Swan, Adamski)
Customs and Excise (Pel, Swick)
Damages (Blaikie, Orr)
Debtor and Creditor (Davis, Morin)
Defamation (Downard)
Discrimination and Human Rights (Ray-Ellis)
Education (Wilson)
Elections (Knight, Nemet Brown)
Environment (Lucas, Northey, King)
Hunting and Fishing (Brecher)
Inquests, Coroners and Medical Examiners (Nemet-Brown)
Interim Preservation of Property Rights (Abrams, McGuinness, Brecher)
Landlord and Tenant (Fleming, Fraser)
Legal Profession (Adamski)
Legislation (Sullivan)
Limitation of Actions (Mew, Zacks)
Liquor Control (Bourgeois, Litner)
Maritime Law (Fernandes)
Media and Postal Communications (Brecher)
Medicine and Health (Molodofsky)
Municipal (Mascarin)
Oil and Gas (Thackray)
Partnerships (Coombs)
Penitentiaries, Jails and Prisoners (O'Connor)
Personal Property and Secured Transactions (MacDougall)
Planning and Zoning (Buholzer)
Police, Security and Emergencies (Freund)
Public Utilities (Nemet-Brown)
Real Property (Lem, Bocska)
Receivers and Other Court Officers (McGuinness)
Religious Institutions (Ginn)
Restitution (McGuinness)
Roads, Highways and Bridges (Morin)
Jurisclasseur Quebec updates in the following volumes:
JCQ Droit civil - Biens et publicité des droits
JCQ Droit civil - Contrats nommés 2
JCQ Droit civil - Obligations et responsabilité civile
JCQ Droit civil - Personnes et famille
JCQ Droit civil - Procédure civile I (2e édition)
JCQ Droit civil - Procédure civile II (2e édition)
JCQ Droit civil - Successions et libéralités
JCQ Droit civil - Sûretés
JCQ Droit des affaires - Droit de la consommation et de la concurrence
JCQ Droit des affaires - Droit des sociétés
JCQ Droit des affaires - Faillite, insolvabilité et restructuration
JCQ Droit des affaires - Propriété intellectuelle
JCQ Droit des affaires - Valeurs mobilières
JCQ Droit du travail - Rapports individuels et collectifs du travail
JCQ Droit du travail - Santé et sécurité du travail
JCQ Droit pénal - Droit pénal général
JCQ Droit pénal - Preuve et procédure pénales
JCQ Droit public - Droit administratif
JCQ Droit public - Droit constitutionnel
JCQ Droit public - Droit de l'environnement
JCQ Droit public - Droit municipal

Accessibility Enhancements

Enhancements continue to be made to Lexis Advance Quicklaw to provide improved accessibility for persons with disabilities. With this release enhancements were made to add Lang Property to downloaded documents and Alt Text (alternative text) to images. Lang Property is used identify the language on a specific document and is used by screen readers to provide the correct accent and pronunciation. Alt Text is used to specify text for an image and enables screen readers to organize, adapt, and relay information to the user.

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