Lexis Advance® Quicklaw® Update
Practice Area Pages

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Flexible Options for Setting Up Alerts

We have introduced new flexibility when setting up alerts enabling you to choose the content that you receive in an alert. You now have the option to receive alerts only when a decision is first added to Lexis Advance Quicklaw. If you wish to be notified when a different reporter of the same decision is added to the system, you can do so by selecting “Subsequently reported.” And, if you’re interested in being notified when a case summary for the same decision is added to the system, you can do so by selecting “Reported in case summary.”

There will be no change to existing alerts. If you wish to change your existing alert, you can do so by going to the More drop-down menu, selecting Alerts and then clicking on the Edit button on the alert you wish to amend:

New Delivery Options: Print, Download, Email

If you deliver case documents on Lexis Advance Quicklaw, you will be delighted to discover that you have new options available that enable you to customize the content you deliver to cater to your needs. You are now able to Deliver Full Text Decisions with/without the headnote or to deliver the Headnote alone.

New Delivery Options: Single and Double-Spaced Documents

You can now print, email or download your documents with single- or double -spaced formatting!

Explore Content – New Link to Browse Commentary and Textbooks

Based on your feedback we’ve introduced a new Commentary and Textbooks link in Explore Content that provisions simple and direct access to our prominent secondary content.

Learn More!

To learn more about the newest changes to Lexis Advance® Quicklaw® visit us at https://www.lexisnexis.ca/en-ca/products/lexis-advance-quicklaw-updates.page where you can opt-in to receiving our latest updates via email.

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