The Legal Brief

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Emerging Issue – Data and Privacy Law

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) published a report on whether an alarm company mishandled customer complaints regarding a breach of personal information PIPEDA Findings #2024-002: Investigation into Brinks Home - Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.  The report acknowledged that inadequate safeguards were in place to handle sensitive customer information, yet the OPC did not find that the breach required that the alarm company report it to the OPC or to notify the affected individuals. To find out more about the report and its implications, please review the Law360 Canada article here

For lawyers seeking further guidance on how to better safeguard sensitive data, feel free to review the following materials and sources below.

The Legal Brief is a newsletter focusing on some of the most topical news items and resource recommendations for handling emerging legal issues. Resources referenced below can be downloaded in PDF format or accessed in product for a more integrated experience and extra functionality.


Emerging issue Resource In-product link PDF version

Privacy Commissioner Finds Deficiencies in Alarm Company’s Breach Response 

Alarm company mishandled breach complaints, but no ‘real risk of significant harm’: Commission

Law360 Canada N/A

Cyber Security Risk Mitigation

Checklist – Practical Guidance and Lexis+ PDF download 

Privacy Search Results

Intelligize - List of Memos PDF download 

Level of Harm Required to Notify

In the Public Eye: Privacy, Personal Information and High Stakes Litigation in the Canadian Public Sector 

Lexis+ Canada PDF download 

What is the Threshold for Reporting and Individual Notification?

The Privacy Officer’s Guide to Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act

Lexis+ Canada PDF download 

Data Security Search Results for Canada – Sample Official Statement 

MLex and Lexis+ PDF download 



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The Legal Brief is a newsletter exclusive to LexisNexis users. It contains current topical news items and recommendations for handling emerging legal issues. It leverages the full breadth and depth of Lexis Advance® Quicklaw® insights providing links to practical, up-to-date information that can help you prepare for the current legal issues and cases you are working on.