Shaping the future of Lexis Advance Quicklaw

By Andrea Hill

This article was originally published by Andrea Hill on LinkedIn.

When was the last time you used a piece of software and thought "wow, why did they do THAT?" We've all had those moments. Maybe even a sense of "Why didn't they ask me what I wanted? I could do so much better".

If you're a user of Lexis Advance Quicklaw, you can help avoid those moments by participating in user research studies. Sign up now!

In our dedication to making Lexis Advance Quicklaw the preferred research platform for the Canadian legal market, we've created a platform (LexTalk Canada Idea Exchange) for our user experience and product team members to connect with current customers.

Through online discussions, 1:1 calls and focus groups, we want to work with you throughout the conception, design and development of new features to ensure they meet your needs.

Early members of the LexTalk community have seen the impact of their involvement, clearly being able to point to features they influenced through their feedback.

By joining the program, you'll receive emails roughly once a month to let you know about current discussion topics and upcoming research sessions, so you can sign up for any that meet your interest and schedule. If you decide it's not for you, you can leave the program at any time.

As a legal researcher in 2018, we know you spend a lot of time using different tools. Why not work with us to make sure Lexis Advance Quicklaw fits your workflow?

Simply go to to sign up. Please use the email address that's associated with your LexisNexis account so we can verify that you're a current customer.

Look forward to working with you!