Lexis Advance® Quicklaw® Update
December 2020

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Quickcite – Multi-part Documents – Filtering Made Easier

We’re delighted to announce that we have introduced an enhancement that improves the user experience when utilizing the filters of a multi-part Quickcite record. This enhancement allows you to find and apply a filter (Treatment, Court, Year or Jurisdiction) that will reflect in all parts irrespective of what part you are reviewing. This is enhancement is important for users looking at seminal cases which tend to be cited more often and have larger QuickCITE records. It will save you time and ensure that you can find the relevant cases you are looking for.

We also introduced new messaging that lets you know when your filtering has results in other Parts, but not within the part your reviewing, thus helping you navigate large QuickCITE records.

Improved Legislation Relevance

We have improved relevance when searching for Canadian legislation, so that when you are searching for Canadian Acts or Regulations, current consolidations are ranked higher in the results list and Annual statutes and legislation from our other reporters are ranked lower in the results. Users interested in reviewing these sources will still be able to do so by running a specific search for them or post-filter to these specific sources when running a legislation search.

Global Navigation Bar - Product switcher and Folders

In order to improve consistency across our products, the Global Navigation Bar Colour and Height have been modified, the Switcher Icon has also been updated to a streamlined more elegant icon and our Lexis Footer has also changed. These changes occurred to ensure that customers have a similar experience irrespective of the product that they are using.

Finally, you’ll notice that we have added a link to Folders on the Global Navigation Bar. This makes folders more visible and easier to access, therefore simplifying your customer experience

Learn More!

To learn more about the newest changes to Lexis Advance® Quicklaw® visit us at https://www.lexisnexis.ca/en-ca/products/lexis-advance-quicklaw-updates.page where you can opt-in to receiving our latest updates via email.

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