The Cognizance

News and emerging trends for Canadian mid-sized law firm practitioners

Top News

CaseMap now on the Cloud!

Pulling together litigation evidence in a single place has never been so easy! With CaseMap Cloud, you can see your entire case file with a wide lens, then identify and zoom in on complex fact patterns, so you can better evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your case when considering settlement or trial. Lawyers always tell us they love CaseMap for its structure and insights. Now that the platform is cloud-based, you don't have to worry about data availability, infrastructure or security. You can quickly review your critical case documents from anywhere at any time - and collaborate with your team - with all your data backed up in the cloud.

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All Inclusive Packages to Give You More Resources

New bundled packages have been introduced for mid-sized firms. We are now offering firms your size the level of content and product at a price point previously only available to large law firms. Area of practice Collections in Lexis Advance Quicklaw, modules of Practical Guidance, Pleading Motions and Facta, legal news, and other products are now available to bundle within your existing subscription for comparable price points to what you are paying today. Let us help you make the most of your subscription with online resources all in one place. Connect with us to find out more!

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Product Updates

For the Barristers

Probably the first thing you do when you start preparing a motion is start digging through your old files for a precedent. If you can’t find a good one there, you start asking your colleagues. But lawyers organize their files based on their clients, not based on the types of relief sought, and even if they do, their experience is that of just one person. With “Pleadings Motions and Facta” in Lexis Advance Quicklaw, just search for the relief you’re seeking and instantly find hundreds of quality court documents that have been filed in real cases. Affidavits, Draft Orders, Application Records, Notices of Action, Statements of Claim, Written Submissions, and more, are all fully keyword searchable and indexed by jurisdiction and topic. With the widest breadth of motion relief and cause of action coverage, you will be sure to find something that will shave hours off your drafting time.

Drafting isn’t the only thing that consumes time in litigation; keeping your cases, facts, issues and evidence organized and in a cogent picture can involve many hours of work, and worse yet, many of those hours are non-billable. See how Casemap Cloud reduces repetitive case review and admin work by up to 80%. See our CaseMap Cloud Video Below!

CaseMap Cloud

For the Solicitors

It’s trite to say that clients are expecting their solicitors to understand their business’ market; legal advice is business advice. The average M&A agreement has over 145 key negotiable deal points. Providing an insight as to what is standard in the market at any given time is crucial in good negotiating. Market Standards allows you to filter across thousands of publicly filed deals in the US and Canada on over 145 filterable deal points so that you go into negotiations knowing what your counterparty, and the market, is willing to bear.



Tips & Tricks

Have you used Lexis Advance Quicklaw’s copy citation feature?

Establish credibility in court by a quick click of a button on the platform. Lexis Advance Quicklaw gives you the option to copy the citation to your brief or submission with a passage, link to the full case and with parallel citations in McGill format. Let this feature do all the work for you and allow for easy access and tracking of your referenced case.

As you may already know, Lexis Advance Quicklaw is the only platform to offer parallel citations!


Check out Canadian Legislative Pulse!

Are you tracking legislation for your clients? Well it's probably taking you longer than it needs to! Check out Canadian Legislative Pulse. This one of a kind automated legislation tracking tool will help you support your client's business.

Find out more

Interesting Reads

Explore Litigation from Trusted Legal Experts

These are some of the interesting Litigation titles we carry in our LexisNexis Bookstore if you are interested in taking a deeper dive with trusted insight and expert analysis.

The Doctrine of Res Judicata in Canada, 5th Edition | This book provides a comprehensive distillation of the res judicata doctrine that has evolved in 200 years of Canadian jurisprudence.

Canadian Animal Law | This book provides commentary and analysis of the main issues in animal law, with a focus on how it intersects with more mainstream practice areas, including family law, criminal law, wills and estates, environmental law and professional liability.

Sopinka on the Trial of an Action, 4th Edition | First published in 1981, this classic manual offers invaluable insight into trial techniques from the perspective of The Late Honourable Mr. Justice John Sopinka who was one of the nation's leading litigators before his appointment to the Supreme Court of Canada.

Personal Injury Damages, 2001-2021 Cumulative Edition (2 Volumes) Personal Injury Damages will provide you with current information you need in one convenient and portable reference guide. This special 2-Volume, 2001-2021 Cumulative Edition includes all cases reported from January 2000 through December 2020, and will serve as your primary point of reference in researching personal injury damages.


Masterclass Panel Discussion Series

A masterclass series you can't miss!

LexisNexis Canada has launched a new masterclass panel discussions series - Tech & Litigation: Shifting Paradigms. Watch this month’s expert panel as they discuss how technology has transformed the work of in-house departments and external counsel in Canada. On the panel:

  • Melissa LaFlair - Director, Legal Operations at Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) 
  • Dana Zuech - AVP, Legal Operations at Sun Life 
  • Robert Ambrogi - Journalist, Lawyer & Mediator;  (Lawsites,  AbovetheLaw) 
  • Shaya Silber - Pricing Counsel, Legal Innovator at Blakes


The masterclass panel discussions series continues!

Join us for our next class on December 1st when we will discuss how Technology is driving change in Canadian court systems.

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Upcoming & Recent Events

Click on the links below to watch our most recent webinars and register for our upcoming events!

Recent Webinars

Grow Your Law Practice - May 2021
Making Changes in the COVID-19 Era - September 2021
Estate Litigation Fundamentals: What Every Practitioner Needs to Know - October 2021


Upcoming Webinars

Law and Disability in Canada - October 20, 2021
Technology Driving Change in the Canadian Court Systems - December 1, 2021

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