Lexis+™/Lexis Advance® Quicklaw® Pricing for Cost Recovery

January 2025

The following guidelines outline pricing models that can be implemented for the purposes of client billing for cost recovery. Note that most Lexis Advance Quicklaw subscribers are subscription-based and therefore pay a flat rate for unlimited access to the service. Additional charges would only apply if “out of plan” (out of subscription) content is accessed.

There are two pricing models in Lexis Advance Quicklaw. The default (gross) charges listed below can be modified using LexisNexis Account Insights – please speak to your trainer or Account Manager for assistance.

  • Document Access Only: (Default model) Charges are applied only when documents are accessed at the rates detailed below. There is no charge applied for running a search.
  • Search and Document Access: (Hybrid model) This model applies a default gross search charge of $19 per search and eliminates the access charge for most Primary materials (Case law, legislation and QuickCITE®). There is a document access charge for Secondary materials and Case Summaries as outlined below.

Domestic Source

Doc-Access Model

Search Model

Search Charge

$0 $21

Primary Law


Case Law (Court, Board and Tribunal decisions)



Legislation Current, historical, and international Treaties)



QuickCITE Citator (Case law and Legislation)



Pleadings, Motions and Facta



Secondary Materials


Indices (e.g. Canadian Law Symposia Index, Index to Canadian Legal Literature)



Dictionaries (e.g. Barron’s Canadian Law Dictionary, Canadian Legal Words & Phrases)



Case Summaries



Quantums (e.g. Full collection of Canada Quantums)



Law Reviews and Journals



Legal Articles



Commentary (e.g. Textbooks & Treatises)



Current Awareness (e.g. LexisNexis® Supreme Court of Canada NetLetter™)



Legal Encyclopedias (e.g. Full online collection of Halsbury’s® Laws of Canada & JCQ)



Drafting material (Forms & Precedents)



Canadian News (National Post, etc.)



Other Materials


Brief Analysis






Practical Guidance



*U.S. dollar values will be converted to Canadian dollar values in LexisNexis Account Insights.


Pricing for International Documents (irrespective of model)

Under the hybrid model there is a $21 search fee plus additional document access charges. Under the default/document access model there is no search charge, however U.S. document access charges will apply. U.S. pricing* can be viewed here.

Please contact your Account Manager for information regarding UK, Australia, and New Zealand pricing.


Questions Applying to Chargeable Document Access under either model (see below for search model questions)

Are there any exceptions that would not result in a document access charge?

  • Re-accessing a document within 90 days (the length of history storage) will not re-apply the charge.

If I download, print, email or save to a folder or Dropbox from a results screen, does this incur the document access charge?

  • Yes, downloading, printing, emailing and other export activity from a results screen using the checkboxes is also considered an access. If a document has been accessed within the product, there is no additional charge to download, email or print.

Are there charges for international documents, news documents and other content?

  • Yes, see the table above.


Search Model ONLY Questions

When will the search charge be applied?

  • Any search that concludes with a results page (including a set of one result, or a “no documents found” result) will apply the search charge – this includes searches run from the homepage, Advanced Search Forms, and specific content pages (e.g., Halsbury’s Laws of Canada).

What is the charge to search international content or other specific content types?

  • There is one search charge in Lexis Advance Quicklaw which applies to all content types, including international.

If I change my jurisdiction or content category post-search, is there a second charge?

  • No, you can hop between categories (e.g., Cases to Secondary Materials) and jurisdictions (Canada to UK) within one search. A charge would only apply if a new search were run using the search box at the top of the results screen.

Is there any activity that will not apply the search charge?

  • A ‘Search Within Results’ is not considered an activity and does not apply the charge.
  • A ‘search’ which concludes directly in the display of a single document will not apply the search charge, for example:
    • Entering a correct citation in the search box for a case or legislative document
    • Entering cit: followed by a citation to retrieve a QuickCITE record
    • Choosing a document from the list of ‘Suggested Documents’ in the Word Wheel

Is there a charge to link from one document to another?

  • Yes, presuming the document access is within a chargeable category. E.g., if you use cit: citation to go straight to a QuickCITE record and then link through to Halsbury’s, there would be no charge to go to the QuickCITE record, but there would be a charge to access Halsbury’s.


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